WAC is offering up to three student research grants per year in accordance with the availability of WAC funds, with each award covering up to $1,000 maximum to support copepod research (including but not limited to research supplies and field work.)
Applications must include the following as a single PDF (single spaced Times New Roman 12 pt font) and should be submitted to secretary@monoculus.org.
1. Filled out Cover Sheet
2. Abstract – 250 character limit (including spaces)
3. Two page grant proposal describing the activities that will be done with the grant, including
a. Title
b. Introduction - A brief overview of the research topic, with reference to appropriate literature
c. Objectives - A brief overview of the main goals of the research
d. Expected Results - Expected outcome for the research activities
e. Statement on how this grant will help you complete your proposed research and how it will help
advance your career.
4. References cited, if any (no page limit)
5. One page budget and budget justification detailing how the funds will be used and the availability
of relevant additional funds.
6. A Curriculum Vitae (CV), including educational information, prior presentations, and publications
(if any) (no page limit).
7. A letter of recommendation from a scientific advisor (preferably from the primary research
advisor). The letter should also confirm the applicant’s status as a current student
(undergraduate, Masters, or PhD).
Award winners must agree to:
Anitha Mary Davidson, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
Resilience of copepod species to acidic waters: Investigating the oxidative stress and genotoxicity in shallow hydrothermal vent ecosystems in northeastern Taiwan
Eve Smerczynski, University of South Carolina, U.S.A.
Impacts of climate change on a key component of the estuarine food web: shifts in copepod community over 43 years in a southeast US estuary
Agostina Tabilio Di Camillo, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila & IRET-CNR, Florence, Italy
The unsung heroes: functional traits of copepods in groundwater ecosystems
Aarón García Bernal, Posgrado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, UNAM
Epigenetics adaptations to hypoxia in the harpacticoid copepod Amphiascoides atopus.
Alexander Dindial, University of Stirling
Modulation of the transcriptome of an Atlantic salmon epithelial cell line by the secretory and excretory products of the copepod ectoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis.
Alexandra Hahn, GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel
Interspecies Transcriptomics Facilitate the Understanding of Salinity Tolerance in Baltic Sea Copepods.