This page provides links to information about the biology, ecology and systematics of copepods. It is a resource that scientists, students, teachers, and the general public, can use to find out
more about this ubiquitous group of crustaceans.
You are invited to contribute to this section by submitting texts and illustrations on your own work, or any interesting material about copepods. Please contact the WAC WEBMASTER Julianne Kalman Passarelli.
The Virtual Copepod Library (VCL) is
housed within the World of Copepods on the WoRMS website. We now have over 42,000 copepod reprint PDFs attached to bibliographic records and
stored in the library. This was accomplished with the help of many WAC members. Special thanks to Janet Reid and the Monoculus Copepod Librarian, Jeannette Schöndube. The Wilson Copepod Library
has now been scanned and preserved and we are slowly adding material from the Monoculus Library to complete the VCL.
We encourage all WAC members to continue to send their new publications and missing older publications to WAC Treasurer Chad Walter at
If you would like to contribute photos to the WAC webpage, please send them to the WAC WEBMASTER Julianne Kalman Passarelli.
Please label the photos (jpg or png files only) in the following format:
For adult copepods: Family_Genus.species.sex_PhotographerFirstNameLastName
For unidentified larval copepods: Family_stage_PhotographerFirstNameLastName
Example: Pennellidae_Phrixocephalus.cincinnatus.female_JuliannePassarelli
Example: Caligidae_chalimus_JuliannePassarelli
By sending us your photos, you are agreeing they can be used with proper credit. Please cite and give author credit when using any of these photos.
A cartoonist's view of copepods.
Giesbrecht, W. (1893) Systematik
und Faunistik der pelagischen Copepoden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschnitte. Fauna und Flore des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres-Abschitte, Monographie 19:
1-831, pls. 1-54.
A number of other older copepod
monographs (e.g., Sars, Scott, Giesbrecht, Claus, Brady). Source: Biodiversity Heritage Library
Diversity and Geographic Distribution of Marine Planktonic
Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
The Crustacean Society
ASLO meetings – and American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
North American Benthological Society
Ocean Biogeographic Information System
Global Ballast Water Management Programme
Ocean Portal
ICES Working Group on Zooplankton Ecology (WGZE)
ZIMNES - zooplankton taxonomy site with a copepod section
Key to Calanoid Copepod Families, on
Identification Key to Harpacticoids
An annotated checklist and keys to the species of Copepoda Harpacticoida (Crustacea) J.B.J. WELLS (New Zealand)
Identification Key to Great Lakes Copepods
Historical copepod references - Rose, M. Copepodes Pelagiques. 1933
Guide to the Marine Zooplankton of south eastern Australia
Archive of copepod Monographs (Sars, Giesbrecht,
Scott, Brady, Wilson, among others).
An image-based key to the zooplankton of the Northeast (USA). Freshwater