
1.    Ensure that appointments are made for the positions of Monoculus editor, Webmaster, and Local Secretary for the next International Conference on Copepoda (ICOC); ensure that the 'Officers' pages of the web site are updated.
2.    Support Monoculus editor, Webmaster, and Local Secretary for the next International Conference on Copepoda in their roles.
3.    Support Treasurer and General Secretary in their roles.
4.    Coordinate with Treasurer and Executive Council concerning the provision of seed funding for the triennial ICOC. In 2011, a seeding grant of $2000 was made initially. A further $3000 grant was made by WAC to cover student support. Additional amounts were made available by individual WAC members to support specific people and for prizes for best student papers and posters.
5.    Prepare a ‘President’s Column’ for each issue of Monoculus.
6.    Prepare the agenda for the three-yearly business meeting. 
7.    Ensure a slate of nominations for the next Executive Council is prepared 2 months before the busniess meeting.
8.    Prepare the president’s report for the business meeting.
9.    Ensure that the minutes for the business meeting are prepared.
10.   Present the Maxilliped Lecture.
11.  Encourage job descriptions for key positions to be stored on the WAC web site.
12.  Generally work to ensure that WAC is a viable entity that ‘promotes and supports interest in all aspects of research on Copepoda’.