Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mersin University, Mersin, Türkiye
Recipient of Best Student Poster Award
Towards the revision of Phyllopodopsyllus T. Scott, 1906 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) species distributed along the Turkish coasts [poster with lightning talk]
I am a PhD student at Mersin University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology. The Student Poster Presentation Awards was a very well-thought out and organized event during the e-ICOC. It was a great honour to have received one of the student poster presentation awards. I would like to thank Rony Huys and Alexandra Savchenko and all others who were involved in the success of the conference.
The main purpose of my doctoral study is to review the populations of Phyllopodopsyllus species recorded from the mediolittoral zone of the Turkish seas to date, using integrated
taxonomic methods. In this context, both intraspecific and interspecific comparisons of the populations of Phyllopodopsyllus bradyi (T. Scott, 1892), P. berrieri
Monard, 1936, P. briani Petkovski, 1955, P. thiebaudi Petkovski, 1955, P. pauli Crisafi, 1960 and P. gracilipes Wells & Rao, 1987 collected to date will be made. So, I hope
that an important gap in the literature will be filled by redescribing the species, and analysing and re-evaluating the species boundaries within the scope of my thesis. In the light of the data
obtained as a result of all these processes, it is aimed to contribute to the phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus. I will also attempt to contribute to both the determination of the species
boundaries and the phylogeny of the genus by isolating as much DNA as possible from live or preserved specimens collected from the Turkish coasts and using the DNA sequences available in the NCBI
(National Center for Biotechnology Information).
I hope to be able to evaluate the results of my PhD study and discuss my research again at the next International Copepoda Conference which will be held in Japan. I would like to conclude by
recognizing that this conference has been a great contribution to the development of my academic career.